Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Book Review: Cirque Du Freak Series

I'm going to start a series of reviews, and I'm going to start with the popular book series The Saga of Darren Shan (also known as Cirque Du Freak.)

The plot is incredibly interesting, with a variation of the average vampire stereotypes. The main character, Darren Shan, is a young schoolboy who only becomes a half- (remember, half: it's important later on) vampire to save his best friend. From a giant spider. That Darren stole. And then he fakes his death with the help of the man who blooded him, a vamp with orange hair and scar named Larten Crepsley. And then Steve (the best friend) swears revenge on Darren for stealing his rightful place among the creatures of the night.

Yeah. Seriously. And it only gets more confusing from there.

Vampaneze (which are evil vampires, kinda), a human girlfriend, snake people, spiders, Princes, blood, wolves, bat broth, arrow guns, dragons, time- travel, a dude with rain boots, and a person with no memories that also has no tastebuds- all this and I've barely scratched the surface. (Deep breath, girl...)

The series has 12 books, divided into 4 trilogies. The first 3 books are, by far, the best- the grade they receive is a solid A-. The next 3, which explain the history of the vampires and the beginning of the war that becomes key in the second half of the series, are great too: their score is B+. The third set starts to go downhill. While still compelling, I got somewhat confused and the writing just doesn't flow as well. Grade? B. And the final 3 are the worst. Take the convoluted ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and cross it with the stupidity of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (or, actually, any Twilight book) and you have this trilogy, which earn a C.

My recommendation? Read the manga. So much better, even if the plot's still crazy, because of the fantastic art and wonderful translation. And by "translation," I mean text from the regular books. Whatever. Darren is cute.
Dig the pirate outfit.
Love from the Noodle Overlord

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