Friday, October 28, 2011

More New Music

Last night I bought even more rockin' tunes off iTunes. Here's the list:
  1.  Basically half of all the songs by LeetStreet Boys- most notable, "She's So Kawaii," "Yuri the Only One," and "Rickroll." Oh, and "Rockstar Games" and "Expert Mode." They are officially my new favorite band.
  2. "The World" from DeathNote.
  3. "Nyan Cat." Yes, you can buy it.
  4. "Badger Badger Badger."
  5. "Peanut Butter Jelly Time." Internet memes rejoice!
  6. "The Big Bang Theory theme" by Barnaked Ladies.
  7. "This is Halloween" by Marylin Manson
  8. The main theme from Fire Emblem.
  9. The battle/ gym leader theme from Pokemon.
  10. "Distance" from Naruto.
  11. "Hare Hare Yukai" from The Melancholy of Haruhi Something- or- another....
  12. The Hamster Dance.
  13. "Still Alive" from Portal.
Thank you, $25 gift card from Dad!

Love from the Noodle Overlord

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