Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zant Rant: Oracle of Seasons/Ages

Welcome to the first Zant Rant! The concept is pretty simple: an entire post where I rant about Legend of Zelda. (BTW, the name "Zant Rant" comes from the fact one of the bad guys in Twilight Princess is named Zant.) Today, I shall speak/ complain about Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.

Okay, for the most part, the two Orcale games are fine. They may not fit into the main storyline, but who cares? But, in the manga at least (the only game I've actually played and not read about/ watch a walkthrough for is Twilight Princess), there are two characters that annoy the crud out of me: Ricky and Roperi.

Ricky, for the most part, is pretty cool: the guy's a boxer that's actually nice in real life. That never happens... but I really don't know much about sports in general. However, he's not really a "guy:" he's a kangaroo. Like Kanga and Roo from Winnie the Pooh. Or Kangaroo Jack.

Uh- huh. A boxing, talking kangaroo. Sure, Nintendo. I see where you're going with this. I believe it's called the padded room?

Roperi, on the other hand, is at least human. But whereas Ricky is somewhat helpful, all Roperi does is yell at Link for making the knight Raven not pay attention to her and giving a hint that makes Link realize Raven's his ancestor. I guess that's useful, but anyone could have done that.

Now I realize these people may not be in the games, and if they aren't, I'm sorry for complaining. But they're in the manga. And I hate them.

Love from the Noodle Overlord

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