Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Best of 3: Ace Attorney Edition

Welcome to the first ever The Best of 3 post! Let me explain what this means:
  1. I choose 3 characters from something I like (in this case, the 3 main attornies: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and Apollo Justice).
  2. I go through 10 rounds with one winner for each category.
  3. Person with the most wins is THE BEST OF 3!
So here... we.... GO!

Round 1: Best In- Game Music: Okay, so I really can't decide between these two: "Investigation~ Cornered" and "The Steel Samurai." However, both are in the original trilogy.  Round 1: Phoenix Wright!

Round 2: Best Regular Case: The final case in "Justice for All." Why? You got to play as Maya, who is EPIC WIN! So Round 2 also goes to: Phoenix Wright!

Round 3: Best Add- On Case: Edgey is excluded (sorry, Miles). I'm going with Apollo's, since it actually has the term "Turnabout" in the title. May seem like stupid logic, but deal. Round 3:  Apollo Justice!

Round 4: Most Handsome: I'm a girl, okay? And let's face it.... the smirk. The red vest. The sprig that makes him look like Alfalfa from "The Little Rascals."  I <3 IT! Round 4: Apollo "Hunk" Justice! ;-)

Round 5: Best Person to Have Backing You Up in a Fight: Phoenix was robbed by a monkey. Weak! Apollo.... I have a feeling he passed the bar exam because of his looks. But Edgeworth will own your soul with his ICY GLARE OF DEATH. Hold me? Round 5 goes to: Miles Edgeworth!

Round 6: Best Objection: Phoenix has a nice finger point, as does Apollo. However, Edgey's voice may be quiet, but it holds power. TAKE THAT, ROUND 6!: Miles Edgeworth

Round 7: Most Likely to Win "American Idol": This one's a no- brainer- who has the "chords of steel?" Coming in at #7 with his new hit single "Hold It!": Apollo Justice!

Round 8: Greatest Outfit: Not to be confused with "most handsome." Phoenix does have the whole "Sonic the Hedgehog knockoff" look, but it's put to shame by one word: RUFFLES. Round 8: Miles Edgeworth!

Round 9: Best Sidekick: Batman has Robin, Ash has Pikachu, SpongeBob has Patrick, Mario has Luigi, and Phoenix has Maya (who I've already established as EPIC WIN!). Round 9: Phoenix Wright!

And now, the moment you've been waiting for.... *drumroll*

Round 10: Most Iconic: When somebody says the words "Ace Attorney," there's only one person you think of. Hint: it's "Wright" in front of you (bad pun, I know). The Best of 3 Winner is..... PHOENIX WRIGHT!!!!!

And if you disagree, comment below. Remember: this is all opinion.

Love from the Noodle Overlord

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