So I recently bought
Poképark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure and I have to say, I really don't get all the negative talk about it. Sure, it was a bit silly, but it was cute.
Actually, adorable might be a better word to use. I mean, you play as
Pikachu. He's already one of the cutest things since chibis, so it can't be awful. And you can chase Celebi, battle with Mew, play Hide- and- Seek with Mudkip, and take a quiz from Teddiursa.
And you can hang out with Lucario! The only way Pikachu can do that otherwise is in Super Smash Brothers Brawl!
Okay, cutesy- wutesy rant over.
My only real regret is I haven't seen my fave Pokémon: Jigglypuff. Because everything is better with Jigglypuff.
So go get this game. Now. Or I'll have Piplup use Whirlpool on you. (If you're wondering, I also have plushies of Budew, Chikorita, Celebi, and Jirachi.)
Cutest thing since... heck, I can't think of something cuter.
Ah! Found it! |
Love from the Noodle Overlord
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