Saturday, March 31, 2012

Video Game Review: Kid Icarus: Uprising

It's hard to say what I don't like about this game, because the list is so minuscule. Really the only things I can complain about are 1. the sometimes obtuse controls, 2. the headache I occasionally get from playing the game with the 3D fully on and my glasses, and 3. the plot points I wished they could've put in.

But the good stuff... is EVERYTHING ELSE.

The multiplayer is great (although I suck at it), the graphics are gorgeous, the enemy/ partner AI is spot on, the voice acting and script...


Some sample conversations from the game (no spoilers!):

*During the how to play movies*
PALUTENA: Quickly flick the Circle Pad in any direction to dash that way. Hold it down to run.
PIT: That move feels so familiar.
PALUTENA: I think they used it in that one series, "Super Bash Sisters."
PIT: You mean Super Smash Bros.?
PALUTENA: I don't think it was that.
PIT: It's definitely that.

*after defeating a boss that looks like a dog*
PIT: Woo hoo! I just racked up so many Nintendogs points!

*on eating food of the ground*
PIT: Floor ice cream gives you health!

*seeing the Eggplant Wizard again*
PIT: I don't want to be an eggplant again! In the first game I was visited the nurse so much they named the place after me. HosPITal. See?
PIT: It's a joke, it's okay to laugh.
PALUTENA: No, it's really not.

And did I mention Dark Pit?

I'm sorry. There is only one thing sexier than this in the game, and you see it at the end of chapter 22. I won't tell you what it is, but you'll know it when you see it.

Final grade: A. Are you suprised?
Also, look for my video on YouTube in response to Nintendo spoiling the game for me themselves in a video.

Love from the Noodle Overlord

Sunday, March 25, 2012

IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nintendo 3DS | Kid Icarus: Uprising | Official Site


AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full review coming soon...

Love from the Noodle Overlord, Commander of Palutena's Army ;-)